четверг, 11 февраля 2016 г.

Working With Your Inner Child

Working With Your Inner Child

Working With Your Inner ChildClick Image To Visit SiteWhen you were about 5 or 6 years old, a part of your consciousness branched off from the rest of you. And the more intensity, the more pain, the more shame you were going through at the time, then the more of your consciousness stayed behind.

While the tree continued to grow upward, a branch was formed that ‘stayed behind’ – so-to-speak. That branch is still part of your tree. Whether you acknowledge it or not. It’s attached to you. It’s a living, breathing, part of YOU. Just as a lower branch is still part of the tree it’s attached to, no matter how big the tree gets.

Actually, in some cases, where the childhood was too traumatic, that branch can become the main trunk. Then you’ve got some real problems.

Look to your own childhood. Think back. How healthy was it? The happier your childhood, the less of a problem you’ll now have with your inner child. Because he or she will be happy and content to stay in their own world.

Also, when you were a teenager – maybe age 13, 14, 15 or so – another branch was formed. And thus your inner adolescent also stayed behind. Another living, breathing, part of your consciousness.

So many people get stuck in these parts of themselves, because they keep trying to ‘get it right’. They want to right the wrong that was done to them, in one way or another. At the very least, it creates a miserable existence in the grown-up years.

I’ve got one exercise designed to help you meet your inner child, and begin the healing process. And I’ve got another one designed to help you work with your inner adolescent.

If you’re not living the life you want, then there’s a good chance you’ll benefit… Read more…

The post Working With Your Inner Child appeared first on OLL INFO.


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